00- Character Roster Info

 Holy S---

 Estimated Progress: 50%
 First and foremost, I did not make any of the materials (Characters, stages, Music, etc) used in this game. I merely searched the 4 corners of the Internet for them and carefully chose the good ones. The author is usually found in the .DEF file for each character and stage. Credit goes to that person.
  As you can see, I went for variety. The first half are almost nothing but actual fighters from established fighting games, so they were very easy to find. The second half was just downright fun to look for, as I had no idea WHAT I was looking for. As long as they felt interesting, they got in.
 That being said, there are going to be alot of cuts in the second half, as I have not given them a proper test. Expect alot of changes. The first half of the roster, though (Capcom to SNK), are done as far as I am concerned. They have been tested, given stages and music, and everything seems to be in order.
  To keep track of the characters, they are numbered as they apear on the Select Screen. The Screenshots in the Character pages also show the stage they were assigned as well, so double bonus. Those are the stages you will fight on when you face that character in Arcade mode and such. The description for each screenshot also tells what style they use. For example:

 ~0001- Ryu (CvS2) ~ He's Ryu from Capcom vs SNK 2. He has all 6 Groove Options from that game, plus a 7th EX option thrown in for good measure. If you look at the ScreenShot, you will notice the Deserted Temple from Street Fighter 4. Thats his main stage and what you will fight him on.

 Well, enjoy looking through the pics!

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