IMT General Info

Q. What is this pile of characters?
A. A pet project I have been working on for the last year and a half, the goal of this particular M.U.G.E.N build is to overwhelm the player with choices in character and stage variety.
 Nearly all the popular Capcom and SNK fighters are here, as well as not so popular ones as well.
 They are joined by as many actual fighters as possible (SysArc, Midway, and other companies that are not Capcom or SNK).
 They are followed by characters from Brawlers (Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc), then characters from non fighting games (Sonic, Mario, Final Fantasy, etc).
 Those are folowed by characters from various Anime (Sailormoon, Azumanga daioh, etc). The characters who had actual fighting game apearances take center stage here (Jojo's BA, Dragonball Z, etc).
 Next are the Marvel and DC sections. Marvel (X-Men, Avengers, etc) have a sizable fighting game presence, as opposed to DC (Batman, Superman, etc), where 100% of the cast is fan made (well made to boot).
 After that are the Real life (Shaq, Jackie Chan, etc) and Religous figures (yes, you can have God and Satan duke it out), followed by Western Cartoons (TMNT, Simpsons, etc).
 Last and most certainly not least, are the Original Mugen Characters and Edits. Mugen Originals are character specifically made from the ground up for the Mugen Engine. Mugen Edits are heavy edits of existing characters to form a "new" character (Ex: Sula is a crazy, fire themed version of King of Fighters Kula, who is a calm, ice themed fighter).
 Some Bonus levels are thrown in for good measure and are strictly for fun. You cannot play as these "Fighters", as they are strictly AI based and not made for actual fighting. Levels include "Break the Targets" or "Smash the Car."
~Stages and Music~
  The other main goal is to make sure each and every character is assigned an appropriate stage and music. It would be weird to see Mario in a Sonic themed stage with Touhou music playing, wouldn't it? For the most part, this has not been a problem, as many "Mainstream" fighters are easy to find, even for multiple versions of a character.  That being said, not everyone will have proper stage and music, but improvising happens to be one of my stronger suits.
 I play test every single fighter with the very first fighter: CvS2 Ryu. If I can beat them, they stay. If they beat me, but I feel they can be beaten (Read: I got down a nice portion of their health or they feel fair), they stay. Boss characters get more leeway in this regard. :)
 If they rape me repeatedly, not allowing me to get even a weak punch in, and guarding every single thing I throw at them every single time, they be gone unless they come with adjustable AI. Sorry, but some of us are not Speed Demons at reaction time.

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